Bosnia and Herzegovina Mine Action Center

Director of the Mine Action Center in BiH, Sasa Obradovic, visited the currently open tasks in the Brcko District, along with the Norwegian Ambassador to BiH, Olav Reinertsen, and representatives of the NGO Norwegian People's Aid (NPA), which are currently implementing these tasks using a new method of clearing land from mines.

Locations of Brčko North 1 in the area of ​​Lanište, are financially supported by the Kingdom of Norway and Switzerland.

The Brcko North project was opened in mid-October this year and is expected to be completed by spring next year. This project with an area of ​​one million and 33,000 m2 includes four communities – Markovic Polje, Lanista, Donji Vuksic and Grbavica.

It is expected that by the fall of 2024, the Brcko District will be completely free of mine danger.

During his visit to these areas, Director Obradović thanked the Kingdom of Norway for their support of the mine action program in BiH, and briefed Ambassador Reinertsen on the current mine situation in BiH, capacities and results, as well as the level of implementation of strategic goals and obligations related to the field of mine action.

The very good cooperation with the representatives of the NGO Norwegian People's Aid and the importance of continuing donor support, in order to meet all the goals on the way to a country free of mine danger, was emphasized once again.


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